Getting to the Outsourcing Sector

Today we are living in a world of workers without boundaries. This is what has given birth to outsourcing. Companies especially startups and small businesses can now thrive because of outsourcing.

What is ‘Outsourcing’

Outsourcing is a practice used by different companies to reduce costs by transferring portions of work to outside suppliers rather than completing it internally.

Outsourcing is an effective cost-saving strategy when used properly. It is sometimes more affordable to purchase a good from companies with than it is to produce the good internally.

Because there are many companies that require outsource services, many outsourcing companies are launching into the deep. But it is not easy. There is fierce competition out there. A effective and efficient team is needed. After assembling a team you now need to find out where the clients will come from.

My advice : to run an outsourcing company is not that easy brother. You need to classify your list of services along with your workforce. You can’t reply a client plz hold I will back to you after 10 minutes. They won’t wait for you trust me.

First you have to well depute your manpower, than do rehearsal yourself with your team. And don’t go for big budget setup if you don’t have enough client at your hand. Just start from very affordable and cost effective setup, than grow day by day. Time will say when you need big setup just wait.

Where to find potential clients and customers?

Following are my advice.

Get from freelance side.

Get from Yellow pages directory. Offer them one month free services.

Get from classified sites like,, usfreeclassifieds and more…. plz do some search in google.

Get from direct IT company of that local area (US states, Canadian States, UK states etc), Offer them very attractable and low-cost services.

Target Direct Buyer at your area. Offer them some lucrative deals etc.

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When it comes to sourcing for clients, there is need for you to conduct market research. Find out what it is that most companies and businesses outsource. The next thing is deciding which field you will specialize in.

Step 1

Conduct market research to determine which services are in highest demand from already established companies. For example, check to see if most businesses outsource their human resources functions like payroll or employee training, or if they seek outside vendors to help with more manufacturing-focused tasks like product design and development.

Step 2

Determine if you want to specialize in only one niche area or if you want your company to offer a wider variety of services. For example, if you choose to create a business that dispenses employee-skills training you will need to decide if you want to provide training in both technology-based and management-focused skills or only one of those areas.


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